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Day 89’ the tittle card opens, such titles card are considered tropes for apocalyptic film, already giving information about the setting as a catastrophic event may have occurred which lead to enigma ’89 day since what?’


The first few corresponding shots establishes the world through minimal visual exposition. It shows a low population rural area, the event was catastrophic enough people were not able to use their

vehicles to escape. This unique nature of the film shows us a sand path

indicating the presence of something/someone. We then see few more

establishing shots which expresses the chaos of many missing people

indicating this event is indeed showing that something/someone that

might have taken them.


The scene then cuts in a pharmacy which appears mostly ransacked with clues indicating items with noisy packaging remained closed and untouched.We are introduced to two children,the youngest running without caution(as if he is unaware of the present situation) while we see the oldest tip-toeing trying their hardest to stay quiet. As it pans to ‘Regan’ (oldest daughter) we learn through visual cues such as her cochlear implant and this scene being incredibly quiet portrays her audible perspective(diegetic sound) that is, her being deaf, the pharmacy being quiet but we hear loud sounds of muffled hums


The film "the quite place" is largely famous for featuring a character , Regan, who has a disability, something that is unpleasant and rare in Hollywood. The quietness that the oldest daughter 'Regan' encounters through her deafness is likewise used as a device to agitate non-impaired watchers and assemble anticipation. The quietness is "depicted as tragic,"and keeps characters from altogether communicating their feelings.The scene shows a layered/overlapping introduction of the family through the tracking movement we see actions being done by one character simultaneously getting a sight of a new character in the background. they seem to be shabby and vigilant walking barefoot in the ways of survival.


The camera then pans focusing on a boy through a medicine rack showing the association between the two subjects which tells us he is sick. The mother is simultaneously introduced in the background slowly approaching the medicine rack, this close up shows the camera racking as the mother looks for medicine and manifesting how they communicate through sign language.












The scene then cuts to a full shot with lowkey lighting of the oldest and youngest child expressing the severity of the situation as in they want to escape but can not. the youngest drawing a rocket ship would be only possible escape from this environment according to the child. this emotion motivates the obsession of the child to play with a noisy toy and shows the impactful moment between the two. the anxious expression on Regan's face moment following this continuous how serious they are about staying quiet.


the father is simultaneously being introduced in the background which then shows a close up of the father and daughter's relationship creating a heartfelt moment the audience can relate to


Foreshadowing can be seen in the opening that is, it would have been disastrous if they have not thought of the rocket creating loud noises moreover these last moments introduces the first real moment of suspense as soon as we see a close up where the youngest picks up the batteries for a rocket ship toy. The opening uses traumatic irony fabricating the suspense of certainty as the rest of the family is unaware of the up coming disaster hence the suspenseful non-diegetic music being played. Noticing the newspaper say "IT'S SOUND" as they leave the pharmacy answers why the bags of noisy items remain untouched and why it is they are trying their hardest to be quiet


Suspense is drawn by low mellow sad non-diegetic music played as a contrapuntal

sound, in a way the family is not aware of what the audience knows will happen, the

music is relatively sad while you see a smile on Regan's face as the sun shines on her.

The next simple shots consists of birds eye view, paning and close up shots of the

family walking, understanding the use of the sand path, and the fact they live at a

distance from the town.


This music then fades out and we hear sounds of the toy rocket ship while the we see a close of father's emotions towards that sound following the rest of the family. Sound wise we do not hear anything when the camera is on Regan which is used as a diegetic sound in a way. the creature approaches the child with immense speed shown through perspective/point of view shot of the father and empathise on the reactions of the family which helps the audience establish an emotional connection with the characters. This scene uses contrasting loud music to derive the affect of the irony of uncertainty whether the child will survive or not. This sequence ends with the most vulnerable character and a title card for 

'A Quite Place' shown through the same sandpath we saw earlier 


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