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The film ‘I AM LEGEND’ is based on the post-apocalyptic suituation consisting of action thriller genre. It opens with the ‘Warner Bros’ logo . This is followed by a prologue featuring the news and other production companies. We then see an establishing shot of the city ‘New York' which appears to be abandoned and lifeless , then it cuts to a low angle shot of a famous landmark within the city. It goes on with shots taken in different angles of the city to draw us into the world of the film. After back to back shots the camera cuts to a birds eye view tracking over the city, showing off the sheer size of the location, only the sound of birds are heard – creating an impact on the audience indicating something catastrophic had happened. From that particular view we see a moving car, then it cuts to a close up inside the car showing the relationship between Robert Neville and his dog sam. The story sets up enigma as it hunts down its prey ‘a deer’


The opening uses digetic sounds of only birds chittering. There is

a phantom of absence of sound in the background ; resulting is

questions from the audience .A similar effect to the roaring of

Roberts car engine. The first dialogue we hear is when he (the

protagonist) says in the state of arousing anxiety “what do you

see,what you see?” in a ‘flight or fight' situation , building up

suspense and uneasiness , whether he protects himself with the

gun he is holding or drives away as we start to hear deers squealing.


The opening holds a conventionally dark atmosphere. According to mise-en-scene abandoned polices cars indicated that the lack of law being followed which was clearly shown when Robert Neville drove through a red light and pavements. Glimpses of Military tanks are also shown giving the audience an understanding something went seriously wrong for the military to be involve. Robert appears to be vigilant and questions raises as to ‘why is he hunting those deer’s?’ creating uncertain suspense for his actions throughout the event.

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