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Who Are We

My first question was to know majority of my audience's gender. As, the results show 82.61% are females, me and my team needs to focus the opening more on females.

This question helped me through knowing the majority age of my audiences, to know which age group opening i should work on so it would be appropriate and appreciated by all the age group. As, 91.30% are under 18 my target opening should be under 18 type of liking.


From my previous question, most of the audience were under 18, tells they are students. And the graph shows the same result too that, 91.30% of my audience are students.

I gave my participants to write down their own answers. Even though they were given the opportunity still, most of the participants answers were similar to each other. 36.36% of the majority watches movies once or twice a month which shows my audience are very particular and selective. This indicates that me and my group members need to work hard to meet their likings.

This is the most useful question i asked the participants as, this will help me in executing the plan for the opening. The majority (63.64%) audience/participants choose romance alone which shows me and my team/group should work on the genre romance alone. The second most popular genre was comedy and horror with 45.45%, but as im not a big fan of horror i would rather ignore this genre and work on rom-com (romance and comedy) instead because these two are preferred by every age group.

This simply shows 34.78% of the majority don't prefer the genre musical which means i should avoid this genre as they are least liked among my audience/participants.

Me and my group members are working on opening, so this is a very important question for us. It shows what kind or type of opening my audience like. 34.78% of participants choose to have no specific preferences which helps in a way that my team can work on any type of opening we want to. We can either work on the introduction of the main character as it was the next most preferred opening with 26.09% so we can work on this instead.


78.26% of the majority choose Storyline and the Plot of the story that attracts them to the film. Me and my team should focus on this and not more on the actors, genre or the production of the film.

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