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A film of any kind is not complete without BACKGROUND MUSIC which often helps depict a mood the producers may want to showcase. This alongside the character's emotions creates the perfect balance to make the consumer engage with the product for a longer period of time

Being said that we began scavenging for different kinds of music we thought would best fit our video. One thing lead to another and Maroosh started searching for various kinds of potential backgrounds, we told her we wanted something dramatic and subtle at the same time. The first thing that came into her mind was a sad melody on the piano, if not, some kind of flute playing. We really liked the subtle concept as we thought it would go well with our music video (little did we know)
This included the following:

But our teacher thought otherwise Particularly stating he wanted jazz music to represent "the good old days" aspect into play. Which surprisingly caught our eye Even though we were doubtful we still attempted to push forward with the idea. As a result, we were very caught up in the world of Genz to figure out what kind of jazz he wanted. Considering we were a little impatient to wait for his recommendations Maroosh and I began searching for an eternity... We eventually ended up with a few That Esha and Tashfa liked and ended up using

here is what he recommended:
this was not sad enough for our liking so we pulled up our own selves 
here are some Maroosh and I thought would fit the vibe we were going for:
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