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*Cough cough* the crew


Why bazooka you ask? Cuz Esha said so… well, not really ...she just named our group chat bazooka...

A little backstory; I knew Maroosh, Tashfa and Esha pretty well and considering we all sat close to each other in class, I suggested we form a group, and here we are


I present to you:
Esha: our cameraman who relentlessly does ALL the editing even though I offer to help… its okay T - T

Tashfa: the elaborate writer who takes charge of any creative writing material we would need

Maroosh: the one behind the scenes, making sure everything is perfect

And me: well...



written by Maroosh though i edited it a little bit 


So, on February 11, 2022, our teacher asked us to participate in a short activity called “The Six Minutes Challenge” in order to get our minds working on generating film-opening ideas. This was our first group activity, and we were all very excited about it.

The 6-minute exercise involved us being given random items to work with, thinking of a film opening within six minutes to keep them completely random, our teacher picked the items, wrote them on slips and shuffled them. then we picked a single slip from each of the four groups, genre, object, character type and location. After our six minutes were up, we were to present our idea to the entire class and get their feedback. This exercise helped us identify our weak points, which was extremely beneficial in ensuring that our final film opening has the least amount of mistakes possible.

We each chose one slip, and the items we received were: Horror (genre), Train Station (location), Bomb (object), and Churail (a ghost/witch as our character type).

We were then given 6 minutes to create a plot for the film’s opening, as well as decide and elaborate on the micro and macro elements that would be used. Our group was the first to pitch in our idea. We then drew a storyboard on the whiteboard (this is where I come in handy) and then began narrating our concept. Esha and Maroosh presented the concept to the entire class.


Our teacher was not entirely pleased with our idea, but he was not too harsh with his criticism because it was our first time coming up with a film opening idea in just six minutes. We were not satisfied either, but we gave this idea a shot as our first preliminary task (with minor changes) because we wanted to get some experience shooting something horror-related so that we knew whether or not we wanted to have horror as our genre in our final project  



Our plan was to start with a blank screen and the non-diegetic sound of a bomb ticking, with the shots changing in sync with each tick (sound of the bomb). After a few shots of the train station to familiarise the audience with the setting, we would show a girl (churail) come out of the train, her clothes ripped and covered in blood and ash (foreshadowing the bomb blast). The camera would then follow her as she exited the train and walked through the train station, which was empty and extremely dark at the time. After a few back and forth shots of the girl walking and shots of the train station, there is a jumpscare to her face, and this is when the audience will hear the blast and the screen will go blank, and this will be the end of our film opening. We will use low-key lighting, and the time displayed will be at night.


idea developement/

story outline

written by maroosh

story board
mood board

made by me
final product
275896629_311979461047580_5859582990637091804_n (1)_edited.jpg
written by Tashfa


shot list

by esha

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