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Final Location Recce (This time we’ll actually shoot in this location)


Let’s pretend I never said anything about shooting in old Lahore… (I suspect it wasn’t our lack of planning because it wasn’t practical or safe for girls to shoot there.) This post only talks about the location that we’re changing.

Changed Location One

So we used my house for the first location because it has a few areas with a 1990s aesthetic (I’m still trying to figure out why). So it was just safer and more convenient to shoot at my house because we didn’t have to move from one location to another just to shoot the journalist shots because I have a shabby study table in my house where we could shoot the journalist scenes.


I sent pictures of my house to the bazooka group to see if everyone was interested in shooting at my house (they obviously were), and I’ll be using those pictures for reference here to give you an idea of how the house looks. (I feel like a real estate agent attempting to sell a house.)

These photos were sent because I really wanted to include these areas in the film’s opening because they are classic pieces of old Lahore that showcase the rich culture that we had, such as the olden times telephone and a wooden mirror frame with carvings on it. (This was for the band scenes.)














This was video I sent to them to show the cool “jharoka” that my house has… (I almost touched a lizard after pressing the record button)

This was a scene where I had a lantern, which, while not indicating 1990, adds to the cultural element that we are trying to incorporate into our film opening, and I really want to shoot here because it would look amazing.The picture above was a reference to show to them how this area looked in daylight.















This is the study table (please ignore the random things on it, i am a messy perosn) that can be used for the journalist shots. We woould have to use a ringlight for the warm tones in the shot but other than that this is the small area with the study table that could be used as this study table (upon close inspection) is in very bad shape which means it is perfect for the joournalist shots!



Location Two

For Location Two, we decided to shoot the minor scene of the talking head in Myiesha’s roon (as seen in the first recce post). That’s because Myiesha found that location to be the most convenient for the shoot (she lives more than an hour away, and the high cost of petrol forced us to make this decision). I won’t bore you with pictures of the same room because it will be used again.

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