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Looking back to how far we have come this really was a journey, one of the challenges we had was developing our concept and adding our own *jazz* into the mix. Since we were 4 people in the group and each one of us has a unique set of ability that we manage to brin into our project, not going to lie we did make a pretty good team but we also struggled with finding the cast, a suituable location just because we wanted it to be something consumers would actually engage in rather than them loosing interest

On the other hand the editing process did teach us a lot of things
We managed to recover and improve, that is... constantly bugging each other while Esha yet again, pulls out her computer to edit the changes we saw were lacking...we could say she might even hate us a little, who knows
in an attempt to make her life a little easier we would scavanger sounds she could use and try new things once in a while 

From acting to adapting to our changes, to communicating eventually led us close to one another and it helped made our communication far more better than what it was before which also made us comfortable acting around each other since we and our cast never found our shedules align, we did indeed manage to improvise, taking countless reveiws on our work to make it better and what not 
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